Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pearl Harbor

Today we got up bright and early and headed out to Pearl Harbor. We were not able to go to the Punch bowl due to a funeral going on. We enjoyed it a lot. We stopped at a State Park along the way and we saw a chicken eating a chicken leg that my brother-in-law took a picture of (it doesn't take much to amuse us). The bus driver said he was going to put it on U-Tube. The bus driver took us a tour of Honolulu since we had to wait for the boat to take us to the Arizona. After we got back we ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant and shopped, shopped, shopped!
Tomorrow we will sleep in a little and pack up and board the ship!

1 comment:

  1. Pearl Harbor is such a beautiful but sad place to visit. Did you notice how quiet it was? :(
